Weather maps 2.0


Meteorological Service

Dan Hart Speak to the Chief
Meteorologist Dan Hart and
his team!

Forecast, Historical and Current weather maps. 15 weather map layers.
You can get all of them using only one simple URL!

Using one simple URL you can get the following weather maps:

  • Current weather maps
  • Forecast weather maps: The forecast for 10 days with a 3 hours-step
  • Historical weather map: Archive since March, 2019

URL format and parameters

Use the following URL format and parameters to get weather maps. Please pay attention to the URL example.

API call{op}/{z}/{x}/{y}?appid={API key}
{op} required Weather map layer. Full list of available weather map layers here
{z} required Number of zoom level. You could find information about correlation between zoom levels, X, Y tile coordinate numbers and level scale here
{x} required Number of x tile coordinate. You could find information about correlation between zoom levels, X, Y tile coordinate numbers and level scale here
{y} required Number of y tile coordinate. You could find information about correlation between zoom levels, X, Y tile coordinate numbers and level scale here
appid required Your unique API key (you can always find it on your account page under the "API key" tab)
date optional Date and time of (Unix time, UTC), e.g. date=1552861800. If you do not specify any date and time, you will get Current weather map. More information about how to get Current, Forecast and Historical maps you can find here.
opacity optional Degree of layer opacity. Available value from 0 to 1 (default - 0.8)
palette optional Color palette. You can use custom palettes for each layer. You can also create a palette for yourself and pass it to the URL as follows {value}:{HEX color};..;{value}:{HEX color}. More information about it here.
fill_bound optional true or false. If true, then all weather values outside the specified set of values will be filled by color corresponding to the nearest specified value (default value - false: all weather values outside the specified set of values are not filled).
arrow_step optional Step of values for drawing wind arrows, specify in pixels (default - 32). Parameter only for wind layers (WND).
use_norm optional true or false. If true, then the length of the arrows is normalizing (default - false: the length of the arrows is proportional to the speed wind value). Parameter only for wind layers (WND).

URL example{z}/{x}/{y}?date=1552861800&opacity=0.9&fill_bound=true&appid={API key}

You need to insert the generated URL into special plugins.

For example, Leaflet, OpenLayers. You can also use any other apps that support the display of layers. Learn more.

How to get current, forecast and historical weather maps using only 'date' parameter?

To get current, forecast or historical weather maps you just need to change only date parameter in the URL request:

1. Current weather maps. Specify the current date and time to get Current weather map. The date and time specified in the request will be rounded to the previous 3-hour interval.

2. Forecast weather maps. You can specify any date and time within the next 10 days to get the Forecast weather maps for the specified time. If you do not specify any date and time, you will get Current weather map.

Not available for TS0 and TS10 layers.

3. Historical weather maps. If you specify any date and time since 18 March 2019, you will receive Historical weather maps for the selected date and time. If you do not specify any date and time, you will get Current weather map.

Please note that the date and time specified in the request will be rounded to the previous 3-hour interval (except TS0 and TS10 layers).

Date and time specified in the request will be rounded to the previous 12-hour interval for TS0 and TS10 layers.

What layers are there in the new weather maps?

To specify the selected layer in the URL, insert instead of the {op} parameter one of the following values:

{Op} Meaning Units
PAC0 Convective precipitation mm
PR0 Precipitation intensity mm/s
PA0 Accumulated precipitation mm
PAR0 Accumulated precipitation - rain mm
PAS0 Accumulated precipitation - snow mm
SD0 Depth of snow m
WS10 Wind speed at an altitude of 10 meters m/s
WND Joint display of speed wind (color) and wind direction (arrows), received by U and V components m/s
APM Atmospheric pressure on mean sea level hPa
TA2 Air temperature at a height of 2 meters °C
TD2 Temperature of a dew point °C
TS0 Soil temperature 0-10 сm K
TS10 Soil temperature >10 сm K
HRD0 Relative humidity %
CL Cloudiness %

How to pass my palette in the map?

For each layer we have custom palettes, but you can use your own palette and pass it to the URL as shown {value}:{HEX color};..;{value}:{HEX color}.

The number of values in the custom palette can be any, but not less than 2. You can set the color for any value with any precision.

To pass the code of color, use the HEX format.

URL Example{z}/{x}/{y}?date=1552861800&opacity=0.9&fill_bound=true&palette=0:FF0000;10:00FF00;20:0000FF&appid={API key}

Examples of Weather maps

Air temperature at a height of 2 meters weather layer

Default parameters

op : TA2

fill_bound : false

Air temperature at a height of 2 meters weather layer

URL example{z}/{x}/{y}?appid={API key}

Air temperature at a height of 2 meters weather layer

Custom palette

op : TA2

opacity : 0.6

fill_bound : true

palette : custom (see example)

Air temperature at a height of 2 meters weather layer

URL example{z}/{x}/{y}?appid={API key}&fill_bound=true&opacity=0.6&palette=-65:821692;-55:821692;-45:821692;-40:821692;-30:8257db;-20:208cec;-10:20c4e8;0:23dddd;10:c2ff28;20:fff028;25:ffc228;30:fc8014

Accumulated precipitation weather layer

Default parameters

op : PA0

Accumulated precipitation weather layer

URL example{z}/{x}/{y}?date=1552861800&appid={API key}

Atmospheric pressure on mean sea level weather layer

Default parameters

op : APM

Atmospheric pressure on mean sea level weather layer

URL example{z}/{x}/{y}?date=1552861800&appid={API key}

Joint display of speed wind (color) and wind direction (arrows) weather layer

Default parameters

op : WND

use_norm : false

arrow_step : 32

Joint display of speed wind (color) and wind direction (arrows) weather layer

URL example{z}/{x}/{y}?date=1552861800&appid={API key}

Joint display of speed wind (color) and wind direction (arrows) weather layer

Custom parameters

op : WND

use_norm : true

arrow_step : 16

Joint display of speed wind (color) and wind direction (arrows) weather layer

URL example{z}/{x}/{y}?date=1552861800&use_norm=true&arrow_step=16&appid={API key}

Default palettes

Weather layer Palette Opacity Fill bound Use norm Arrow step

Convective precipitation

1:ACAAF7; 10:8D8AF3; 20:706EC2; 40:5658FF; 100:5B5DB1; 200:3E3F85 0.8 0 - -

Precipitation intensity

0.000005:FEF9CA; 0.000009:B9F7A8; 0.000014:93F57D; 0.000023:78F554; 0.000046:50B033; 0.000092:387F22; 0.000231:204E11; 0.000463:F2A33A; 0.000694:E96F2D; 0.000926:EB4726; 0.001388:B02318; 0.002315:971D13; 0.023150:090A08 0.8 0 - -

Accumulated precipitation

0:00000000; 0.1:C8969600; 0.2:9696AA00; 0.5:7878BE19; 1:6E6ECD33; 10:5050E1B2; 140:1414FFE5 0.6 0 - -

Accumulated precipitation - rain

0:E1C86400; 0.1:C8963200; 0.2:9696AA00; 0.5:7878BE00; 1:6E6ECD4C; 10:5050E1B2; 140:1414FFE5 0.6 0 - -

Accumulated precipitation - snow

0:00000000; 5:00D8FFFF; 10:00B6FFFF; 25.076:9549FF 0.7 0 - -

Depth of snow

0.05:EDEDED; 0.1:D9F0F4; 0.2:A5E5EF; 0.3:7DDEED; 0.4:35D2EA; 0.5:00CCE8; 0.6:706DCE; 0.7:514FCC; 0.8:3333CC; 0.9:1818CC; 1.2:C454B7; 1.5:C12CB0; 1.8:BF00A8; 2.5:85408C; 3.0:7F2389; 4.0:790087; 15:E80068 0.8 0 - -

Wind speed at an altitude of 10 meters

1:FFFFFF00; 5:EECECC66; 15:B364BCB3; 25:3F213BCC; 50:744CACE6; 100:4600AFFF; 200:0D1126FF 0.6 0 - -

Joint display of speed wind (color) and wind direction (arrows)

1:FFFFFF00; 5:EECECC66; 15:B364BCB3; 25:3F213BCC; 50:744CACE6; 100:4600AFFF; 200:0D1126FF 0.6 0 0 32

Atmospheric pressure on mean sea level

94000:0073FF; 96000:00AAFF; 98000:4BD0D6; 100000:8DE7C7; 101000:B0F720; 102000:F0B800; 104000:FB5515; 106000:F3363B; 108000:C60000 0.4 1 - -

Air temperature at a height of 2 meters

-65:821692; -55:821692; -45:821692; -40:821692; -30:8257DB; -20:208CEC; -10:20C4E8; 0:23DDDD; 10:C2FF28; 20:FFF028; 25:FFC228; 30:FC8014 0.3 1 - -

Temperature of a dew point

-65:821692; -55:821692; -45:821692; -40:821692; -30:8257DB; -20:208CEC; -10:20C4E8; 0:23DDDD; 10:C2FF28; 20:FFF028; 25:FFC228; 30:FC8014 0.3 1 - -

Soil temperature 0-10 сm

203.15:491763; 228.15:4E1378; 235.15:514F9B; 239.15:446DA9; 243.15:5C85B7; 247.15:739FC5; 251.15:88A7C9; -255.15:6CBCD4; 259.15:87CADC; 263.15:A7D8E5; 267.15:A7D5AD; 271.15:D2E9C8; 275.15:FEFEBB; 279.15:F5CEBB; 283.15:F2B68A; 287.15:EE934F; 291.15:EB702D; 295.15:E8706E; 303.15:CC2C44; 313.15:CC0000; 323.15:990000 0.8 1 - -

Soil temperature >10 сm

203.15:491763; 228.15:4E1378; 235.15:514F9B; 239.15:446DA9; 243.15:5C85B7; 247.15:739FC5; 251.15:88A7C9; -255.15:6CBCD4; 259.15:87CADC; 263.15:A7D8E5; 267.15:A7D5AD; 271.15:D2E9C8; 275.15:FEFEBB; 279.15:F5CEBB; 283.15:F2B68A; 287.15:EE934F; 291.15:EB702D; 295.15:E8706E; 303.15:CC2C44; 313.15:CC0000; 323.15:990000 0.8 0 - -

Relative humidity

0:db1200; 20:965700; 40:ede100; 60:8bd600; 80:00a808; 100:000099; 100.1:000099 0.8 1 - -


0:FFFFFF00; 10:FDFDFF19; 20:FCFBFF26; 30:FAFAFF33; 40:F9F8FF4C; 50:F7F7FF66; 60:F6F5FF8C; 70:F4F4FFBF; 80:E9E9DFCC; 90:DEDEDED8; 100:D2D2D2FF; 200:D2D2D2FF 0.5 0 - -

Libraries to connect weather layers

Open Layers

The following functions are available for the OpenLayers library:

  • Classes of weather layer and weather stations layer
  • Possibility to set your own style
  • Classes with clustered markers
  • Support of marker server clustering


The OpenWeatherMap javascript library is designed to work with the Leaflet mapping service. The current version of the library allows the following:

  • Embedding of layer with current weather in cities
  • Embedding of layer with weather stations
  • The library supports customer clustering

Leaflet library

Another implementation of map based on Leaflet technology supports OWM's TileLayers and current city/station data. It is configurable with many options. For current city/station data the library supports refreshing the data in intervals, some types of client-side clustering (show only the station/city with the highest rank for a defined pixel square), custom image set (if you provide one), different languages (en, de, ru, fr, but translation is incomplete), minZoom and others.

Source and documentation ( is available on GitHub

Example of weather map:

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